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HoloJ Suite

HoloJ is a free and open-source suite of plugins for ImageJ to handle complex data image and to reconstruct, and analyze, phase and amplitude images from holograms, featuring automatic phase unwrapping. It runs perfectly under ImageJ on Linux, OSX and Windows.

Look at the screenshots to see it in action!

The suite is composed of different java classes:

Basic library of static methods to perform mathematical operations with complex numbers and useful operation on complex data images.
This class provides a high-level layer to create and to manipulate complex data pixels of images within ImageJ. The class provides methods for full complex-to-complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of images, which is not available within ImageJ.
A plugin for ImageJ for holographic reconstruction, featuring an easy to use graphical-user-interface and a full control over reconstruction procedure.
A plugin for ImageJ to perform automatic unwrapping of phase maps. The plugin uses a fast algorithm proposed by Schofield and Zhu [1].
A plugin fo ImageJ to amplify and plot phase contour lines.

Support for Gatan DM3 proprietary file format is provided freely by DM3 Reader plugin for ImageJ, written by Gregory Jefferis.

[1]  Marvin A. Schofield and Yimei Zhu, Fast phase unwrapping algorithm for interferometric applications, Optics Letter, 28 (2003), 1194-1196.

Newsback to top

HoloJ Suite Released

version 1.0 : July, 6th 2007

HoloJ is finally come to version 1.0. The code was completely rewritten from scratch to provide a fully-functional and easy to use graphical user interface.

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Installation couldn't be easier: just unzip the downloaded file and copy the directory holoj under the folder "plugin" in the ImageJ directory. Restart ImageJ and have fun!

You can use the package HoloJ for your own plugin, without HoloJ_ or UnwrapJ_, simply copy the folder holoj under your own plugin folder.

API Documentation



Version Historyback to top

Version 1.0 - Stable new release
Version 0.5 - First working release.

Download HoloJ Suite

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