In this work the development and optimization of the main components for a multisensing flexible Tag with RFID communication capabilities and integrated physical and chemical sensors for logistic datalogging applications will be reported. For this specific scenario, several constraints must be considered: power consumption must be limited for long-term operation, reliable ISO compliant RFID communication must be implemented, and special encapsulation issues must be faced for reliable sensor integration. In this work, the developments on application specific electronic interfaces and on ultra-low-power Metal OXdide semiconductor (MOX) gas sensors will be reported. The electronics for sensor control and readout as well as for RFID communication are based on an ultra-low-power MSP430 microcontroller from Texas Instruments together with a custom RFID front-end based on analog circuitry and a …
Publication date:
1 Apr 2008
Biblio References:
Volume: 14 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 581-588
Microsystem technologies