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IMM Bologna is equipped with a wide range of facilities for design, manufacture, characterization of devices, and for investigation of materials properties and processes, allowing a global approach to material science, microelectronics and MEMS research activities.

IMM-BO has the largest publicly funded facility for silicon micro-machining in Italy (located in a 500 m2 ISO 5-8 Clean Room), capable of producing different non-VLSI devices, in particular micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS), 3rd generation solar cells and photovoltaic devices

Clean Room facility is mainly dedicated to the research and manufacture of microelectronics and MEMS devices, with possibility of carrying out a small-scale production of customized devices. Dedicated technologies have been developed for the manufacture of IR emitters, silicon thermopiles, bolometers, micro-hot plates, Single Photon Avalanche Detectors (SPAD), SiC diodes and MOSFETs, Mach-Zender interferometers based on LiNbO3, innovative photovoltaic cells, CNT structures, graphene-based structures, Silicon Photonic for DataCom application, Power Harvesting based on silicon nanowires, all-silicon micro gas chromatographs.

In addition, and in synergic integration with the Silicon technologies, in IMM-BO research activities on carbon-based materials, like carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene is extensively carried out.

Micro/nano fabrication at Bologna Unit


Peculiar of IMM Bologna facilities is the availability of a 500 m2 clean-room, with 100 (ISO 5) and 100000 (ISO 8) class laboratories, fully equipped...

Synthesis of Advanced Materials at Bologna Unit

The long standing experience on the synthesis of materials for electronic applications of IMM Bologna has been devoted to the development of different CVD type of equipment and methodologies for...