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Progetto CO2Lab sulla Gazzetta del Sud

Il quotidiano "Gazzetta del Sud" nell'edizione di Catanzaro riporta la partecipazione dell'ISS Petrucci Ferraris Maresca al progetto CO2Lab cui l'IMM Bologna contribuisce.

Graphene-based sensors


At IMM Bologna, the research activity on sensoristics exploiting the properties of C-CVD grown graphene (G), in form of membranes with crystalline domains with 1 to 4 layers or of 3D...

Analytical gas multi-sensing systems based on MEMS microfluidic devices

To perform reliable analyses of real-world gas samples, a very high selectivity is necessary to avoid false signals provided by interferents in the complex sample matrix. In most cases, especially...

MEMS-based ultra-low power gas sensors and detectors

IMM Bologna has a strong expertise in miniaturization of metal-oxide gas sensors (MOX sensors). The approach targets high-TRL prototypes by developing full wafer-level production processes of...