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Senior Researcher
051 6399145
Development of computer codes for the simulation of charged particles - matter interactions for the application to basic physics, applied technological processes (ion implantation in semiconductors) and measurements techniques (Rutherford Back Scattering - Channeling). As responsible for Science dissemination and communication of the CNR Area in Bologna, he is actively involved in the organization of outreach projects for secondary schools, of science communication and dissemination projects (such as MSC H2020 action "EU Researcher's Night") and is curator of several websites devoted to the spreading of Scientific knowledge.

Giorgio Lulli, born in 1955, got his degree in Physics “cum laude” in 1980 at the University of Bologna. At present is Senior Researcher at CNR- Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems - Bologna branch. Main expertise: semiconductor material science, optics of charged particles, electron and ion-beam irradiation of materials, ion implantation and ion-beam analysis of semiconductors, development of computer codes for the simulation of ion-matter interactions (ion-implantation, ion-beam analysis). Since 2005 he has been actively involved in many projects of science dissemination and communication and in the organization of outreach projects for secondary schools (see for instance: Sperimestate - http://sperimestate.bo.imm.cnr.it). He is also curator of websites devoted to the dissemination and communication of Science: Electron interference: https://www.bo.imm.cnr.it/users/lulli/downintel/, The most beautiful experiment in Physics: http://l-esperimento-piu-bello-della-fisica.bo.imm.cnr.it/ Archive of the Scientific movies of the Scientific Film Department of CNR-LAMEL Institute: http://cinematografia-scientifica.bo.imm.cnr.it/index.html. 1993-1996: scientific responsible for CNR-LAMEL of the Human Capital and Mobility IBOS (Ion Beam Processing of Semiconductors) project (ERBCHRX—CT93--0125). 1995-2003: responsible of the Ion Beam Department of the CNR-IMM Institute, Bologna branch. 1997-2015: Referee for the American Institute of Physics (JAP, APL) and the American Physical Society (PRB, PRL). 2001-2006: member of the International Committee of the Conference “Atomic Collisions in Solids”. 2003-2006: Coordinator of the FIRB National Project “Simulation and structural characterization of defects induced by ion irradiation of Silicon”. 2004: Member of the organizing Committee of the XXI International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS) (july 4- 2004, Genova, Italy) and Editor of the Volume proceedings. 2005-2006, 2008-2012: Responsible of the research group MD.P05.004 “ Developement of Physical Models, simulation and advanced structural characterization techniques for Microelectronics” at CNR-IMM. 2005: member of the Scientific Committee of the Exhibition “La fisica attraversa Bologna” held in the framework of the International Year of Physics 2006: Member of the Program Committee of the XV International conference IBMM (Ion Beam Modification of Materials), (Taormina, Italy, 2006) 2006: co-Director (togheted with Prof. P. Mazzoldi and Prof. A. Pathak) of the Workshop on Ion Beam Studies of Nanomaterials, held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy, 2006. 2010-2011 Coordinator of the National project “Dualità tra ricerca e didattica nella dualità onda-corpuscolo: riedizione commentata del film sull’esperimento più bello della storia della fisica” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (legge 6/2000) The DVD produced in the framework of the project was the subject of an invited presentation at the at the Science Festival in Genova and was selected to partecipate in the 16th edition of the Science Film Festival “Vedere la Scienza” held in Milan 2012. 2013: Publishes the book “L’esperimento più bello. L’interferenza di elettroni singoli e il mistero della meccanica quantistica” ISBN 978-88-503-3252-6 (Apogeo, Milano, 2013), presented on invitation at the Science Festival in Genova 2013 2013-present: Organizer of the Scientific Conferences Series (Campus Colloquia and Highlights) at the Bologna Area of Research (see: http://www.bo.cnr.it/educampus/) 2014: Opens with an invited talk the 2014 edition of “Nanoday” in Turin (http://www.agorascienza.it/education/nanoday/2014). 2015-present Coordinator of the Scientific Dissemination Committee of the Bologna Research Area, hosting 6 Institutes of the National Council of Research (CNR) and 2 Institutes of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and curator of the specific web page devoted to dissemination and communication of Science (https://www.bo.imm.cnr.it/users/lulli/divulgarea/index.html) 2016/2017 Scientific Responsible for CNR in the H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016 (Researcher’s Night) 2016-2017 SOCIETY project (proposal 7229639) 2016: Member of the Steering Committee of the project “Opus Facere” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR).

Curriculum (PDF): 

Scientific Production

Mila D’Angelantonio, Ludovica Azzali, Francesca Baroni, Anna Flavia Bianchi, Alan Borsari, Roberto Camporesi, Patrizia Colella, Paola De Nuntiis, Paola Govoni, Michele Ferrari, Olivia Levrini, Giorgio Lulli, Cristina Mangia, Carmela Palazzolo, Sveva Avveduto, Laura Venturi, Margherita Venturi, Giuliana Rubbia, Mariangela Ravaioli

Contributo al femminile all’educazione tecnica e scientifica per le materie STEM. Fare rete tra scienziate/i, enti, università, associazioni, media e portatori d’interesse

Quaderni di Comunicazione Scientifica [Rosenberg&Sellier],

Giorgio Lulli

Two-Dimensional Simulation of Undermask Penetration in 4H-SiC Implanted With $\ hbox {Al}^{+} $ Ions

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 190-194

Giorgio Lulli

Two-Dimensional Simulation of Undermask Penetration in 4H-SiC Implanted WithIons

IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 190-194


Germanium implanted Bragg gratings in Silicon on Insulator waveguides

Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering [Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers],

NP Barradas, K Arstila, G Battistig, M Bianconi, N Dytlewski, C Jeynes, E Kótai, G Lulli, M Mayer, E Rauhala, E Szilágyi, M Thompson

Summary of “IAEA intercomparison of IBA software”

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 266 Issue: 8 Pages: 1338-1342

Marco Bianconi, Fabio Bergamini, Stefano Cristiani, Giorgio Lulli

Ion implantation of silicon at the nanometer scale

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 7 Pages: 074307

NP Barradas, K Arstila, G Battistig, M Bianconi, N Dytlewski, C Jeynes, E Kótai, G Lulli, M Mayer, E Rauhala, E Szilágyi, M Thompson

International Atomic Energy Agency intercomparison of ion beam analysis software

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 262 Issue: 2 Pages: 281-303

G Lulli, M Bianconi, M Ferri, G Fortunato, L Mariucci

RBS-channeling analysis of ion-irradiation effects in heavily-doped Si: As

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 257 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 253-256

NP Barradas, K Arstila, G Battistig, M Bianconi, N Dytlewski, C Jeynes, E Kótai, G Lulli, M Mayer, E Rauhala, E Szilágyi, M Thompson

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B [], Volume: 262 Pages: 282

Giorgio Lulli, Eros Albertazzi, Simone Balboni, Luciano Colombo

Defect-induced homogeneous amorphization of silicon: the role of defect structure and population

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter [IOP Publishing], Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 2077

Alessandra Satta, Eros Albertazzi, Giorgio Lulli, Luciano Colombo

Ab initio structures of As m V complexes and the simulation of Rutherford backscattering channeling spectra in heavily As-doped crystalline silicon

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 72 Issue: 23 Pages: 235206

M Bianconi, E Albertazzi, S Balboni, Luciano Colombo, G Lulli, A Satta

Channeling characterization of defects in silicon: an atomistic approach

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 230 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 185-192

G Lulli, E Albertazzi, M Bianconi, A Satta, S Balboni, Luciano Colombo, A Uguzzoni

Investigation of heavily damaged ion implanted Si by atomistic simulation of Rutherford backscattering channeling spectra

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 230 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 613-618

A Satta, E Albertazzi, M Bianconi, G Lulli, S Balboni, Luciano Colombo

Atomistic simulation of ion channeling in heavily doped Si: As

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 230 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 112-117

AA Mahasneh, AW Ajlouni, O Abu-Haija, PN Abufager, AE Martinez, RD Rivarola, PD Fainstein, DE Arafah, JD Meyer, H Sharabati, A Mahmoud, DE Arafah, Y Baudniet-Robinet, PD Dumont, HP Garnir, Y Baudinet-Robinet, GG Bentini, E Albertazzi, M Bianconi, R Lotti, G Lulli, M Bianconi, GG Bentini, R Lotti, R Nipoti, WK Chu, JW Mayer, MA Nicolet, A Goluvev, V Turtikov, A Fertman, I Roudsoky, B Sharkov, K Gouri, A Johnson, M Imai, M Sataka, K Kawatsura, K Takahiro, K Komaki, A Itoh, H Tuschida, T Majima, A Yogo, A Ogawa, WN Lennard, D Philips, DAS Walker, K Nakajima, Y Okura, M Suzuki, K Kimura, F Sols, F Flores, AS Stuchbery, AN Wilson, PM Davidson, X Tordoir, T Bastin, PD Dumont, HP Garinir, JF Ziegler, JP Biersack, N Littmark

The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids.

Journal of Applied Sciences [orgz], Volume: 7 Issue: 11 Pages: 255-259

Renzo Loiacono, Rob Topley, Agnes Nakyobe, Goran Mashanovich, Russel Gwilliam, Giorgio Lulli, Ran Feldesh, Richard Jones, Graham Reed

Very low energy implanted Bragg gratings in SOI for wafer scale testing applications

8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics [IEEE], Pages: 51-53

Renzo Loiacono, Graham T Reed, Goran Z Mashanovich, Russell M Gwilliam, Giorgio Lulli, Ran Feldesh, Richard Jones

Low-energy silicon-on-insulator ion implanted gratings for optical wafer scale testing

Silicon Photonics VI [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 7943 Pages: 794310

Giorgio Lulli, Roberta Nipoti

2D Simulation of under-Mask Penetration in 4H-SiC Implanted with Al+ Ions

Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 679 Pages: 421-424

Renzo Loiacono, Graham T Reed, Russell Gwilliam, Goran Z Mashanovich, Liam O'Faolain, Thomas Krauss, Giorgio Lulli, Chris Jeynes, Richard Jones

Germanium implanted Bragg gratings in silicon on insulator waveguides

Silicon Photonics V [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 7606 Pages: 76060G

G Lulli, Olivia Levrini, F Bisi, A Desalvo, Silvio Bergia, MARTA PAOLA FRANCESCA Gagliardi

L'esperimento piu'bello della fisica online-Relazione su invito

XCV Congresso Nazionale [Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica], Pages: 112-112

MARTA PAOLA FRANCESCA Gagliardi, P Fantini, Olivia Levrini, G Lulli, Barbara Pecori

Sito web su “L’esperimento più bello”: potenzialità culturali e didattiche

XCV Congresso Nazionale [Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica], Pages: 114-114

Daniela Cavalcoli, Giorgio Lulli

Fisica della Materia

Percorsi di Ricerca. La Fisica attraversa Bologna. [Bononia University Press], Pages: 65-76