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Scientific Production
Dual-tube MEMS-based spectrophone for sub-ppb mid-IR photoacoustic gas detection
Photoacoustics [Elsevier], Volume: 40 Pages: 100644
New silicon-based micro-electro-mechanical systems for photo-acoustic trace-gas detection
Photoacoustics [Elsevier], Volume: 38 Pages: 100619
CO2 Monitoring to Enhance Digital and Green Competences in VET
Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2024 [],
Surface Dynamics of Field Evaporation in Silicon Carbide
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [American Chemical Society], Volume: 127 Issue: 11 Pages: 5467-5478
Ion implantation and activation of aluminum in bulk 3C-SiC and 3C-SiC on Si
MRS Advances [Springer International Publishing], Pages: 1-6
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 1062 Pages: 241-245
10 th International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education [], Pages: 13-19
“Si (n) Ce You Are a Driver”: A PCTO Experience about Semiconductor Physic in Italy
Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2021 [],
Young raw matters ambassadors: high school students act as science communicators
Frontiers in Education [Frontiers], Pages: 272
4H‐SiC surface morphology after Al ion implantation and annealing with C‐cap
Journal of Microscopy [], Volume: 280 Issue: 3 Pages: 229-240
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 1004 Pages: 698-704
3× 1018-1× 1019 cm-3 Al+ ion implanted 4H-SiC: annealing time effect
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 1004 Pages: 683-688
“Don’t Throw Away your Mobile!”: Pupils’ Perception of Raw Materials in Electronics
Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2020 [],
An Experiment to Raise Awareness on Critical Raw Materials
Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2020 [],
RM@ Schools: Fostering Students’ Interest in Raw Materials and a Sustainable Society
10th International conference the future of education virtual edition, Firenze (Italy) virtual conference [], Pages: 18-19
1300° C Annealing of 1× 1020 cm− 3 Al+ Ion Implanted 3C-SiC/Si
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: P480
A ternary–3D analysis of the optical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon–rich carbide
Materials Chemistry and Physics [Elsevier], Volume: 221 Pages: 301-310
A Ternary–3D analysis of the optical properties of amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon–rich carbide
Materials Chemistry and Physics [Elsevier],
Materials Science Forum [], Volume: 924
ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 31 Pages: 1323
Ni-Al-Ti Ohmic Contacts on 1 x 1020 cm-3 Al+ Ion Implanted 4H-SiC
ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 31 Pages: 1326
ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 80 Issue: 7 Pages: 101
Ni-Al-Ti Ohmic Contacts on 1 x 1020 cm-3 Al+ Ion Implanted 4H-SiC
ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 80 Issue: 7 Pages: 117
Local epitaxy from the silicon substrate in silicon–rich SiC during Si–nanocrystals formation
Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 628 Pages: 54-60
Sympathetic Cooling of 40Ca+− 27Al+ Ion Pair Crystal in a Linear Paul Trap
Chinese Physics Letters [IOP Publishing], Volume: 33 Issue: 10 Pages: 103701
Monolithic Si nanocrystal/crystalline Si tandem cells involving Si nanocrystals in SiC
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications [], Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 1165-1177
Silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon carbide as a wide-band gap photovoltaic material
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells [North-Holland], Volume: 144 Pages: 551-558
Graphene as transparent conducting layer for high temperature thin film device applications
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells [North-Holland], Volume: 138 Pages: 35-40
Charge transport in nanocrystalline SiC with and without embedded Si nanocrystals
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 91 Issue: 19 Pages: 195317
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells [North-Holland], Volume: 135 Pages: 29-34
Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 117 Issue: 4 Pages: 045307
Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing], Volume: 116 Issue: 18 Pages: 189902
Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing], Volume: 116 Issue: 18 Pages: 189902
Silicon nanocrystals in carbide matrix
Solar energy materials and solar cells [North-Holland], Volume: 128 Pages: 138-149
Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 116 Issue: 2 Pages: 024315
Boron diffusion in nanocrystalline 3C-SiC
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 104 Issue: 21 Pages: 213108
Tail absorption in the determination of optical constants of silicon rich carbides
Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 556 Pages: 105-111
Electrical properties of silicon nanodots embedded in a SiC matrix for photovoltaic applications
Microscopie [], Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-34
Physics, materials, and devices. Springer Series in Materials Science [], Volume: 190
Transparent Conducting Oxides for High Temperature Processing
Energy Procedia [Elsevier BV], Volume: 44
Thin Solid Films [], Volume: 100 Issue: 564 Pages: 426
Transparent conducting oxides for high temperature processing
Energy Procedia [Elsevier], Volume: 44 Pages: 23-31
High-Bandgap Silicon Nanocrystal Solar Cells: Device Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling
High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Physics, Materials, and Devices [Springer Science & Business Media], Volume: 190 Pages: 165
Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 114 Issue: 7 Pages: 073101
Journal of Applied Physics [], Volume: 114 Issue: 7
Boron doping of silicon rich carbides: electrical properties
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 178 Issue: 9 Pages: 551-558
Identification and tackling of a parasitic surface compound in SiC and Si-rich carbide films
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 178 Issue: 9 Pages: 623-629
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 178 Issue: 9 Pages: 639-644
Silicon nanocrystals from high‐temperature annealing: Characterization on device level
physica status solidi (a) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 210 Issue: 4 Pages: 669-675
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 3 Pages: 033507
Trapping of metallic impurities in multicrystalline silicon wafers
Proceedings of the 28th EU PVSEC [], Pages: 1414-1417
Processing and characterisation of tandem solar cells from crystalline silicon materials
Proceedings of the 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France [], Pages: 142-146
Analytical expression for the imaginary part of the dielectric constant of microcrystalline silicon
Res. Appl. Mater [], Pages: 6-11
Mater. Sci. Eng. B (in press). https://doi. org/10.1016/j. mseb [], Volume: 15
Optical and electrical properties of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiC matrix
Adv. Mater. Lett [], Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Pages: 297-304
Roles of local He concentration and Si sample orientation on cavity growth in amorphous silicon
Philosophical Magazine [Taylor & Francis Group], Volume: 91 Issue: 34 Pages: 4324-4331
TMAH-textured, a-Si/c-Si, heterojunction solar cells with 10% reflectance
Solar energy materials and solar cells [North-Holland], Volume: 95 Issue: 11 Pages: 2987-2993
Systematic characterization of silicon nanodot absorption for third generation photovoltaics
Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg, Germany [], Pages: 21-25
Heterojunction solar cells on multi‐crystalline silicon: surface treatments
physica status solidi c [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 928-931
Optical properties of silicon rich oxides
physica status solidi c [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 996-1001
Optical properties of silicon nanodots in SiC matrix
Proceedings of the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain [], Pages: 662-666
Cavities at the Si projected range by high dose and energy Si ion implantation in Si
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 159 Pages: 153-156
Defect engineering via ion implantation to control B diffusion in Si
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 159 Pages: 338-341
Ion Implantation: A Method of Producing Low-k Silicon Oxide-based Materials
ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 385
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 556557 Pages: 571-574
Effects of heating ramp rates on the characteristics of Al implanted 4H–SiC junctions
Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 88 Issue: 16 Pages: 162106
Ion Implanted p+/n 4H-SiC Junctions: effect of the Heating Rate during Post Implantation Annealing
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive [Cambridge University Press], Volume: 911
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 527529 Pages: 811-814
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 527529 Pages: 815-818
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 483485 Pages: 625-628
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 483485 Pages: 737-740
Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 483485 Pages: 649-652
High-performance cavity-enhanced photoacoustic sensing
Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis [Optica Publishing Group], Pages: LM1F. 1
MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XXIII [SPIE], Volume: 12899 Pages: 18-22
High-performance cavity-enhanced photoacoustic trace-gas sensing
Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX [SPIE], Volume: 12895 Pages: 60-63
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) [IEEE], Pages: 1-1
Mechanism Governing Surface Roughening of Al Ion Implanted 4H-SiC during Annealing under a C-Cap
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 1062 Pages: 235-240
A compact cantilever-based photoacoustic sensor for trace-gas detection
Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 11288 Pages: 112882E
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 963 Pages: 416-419
1300° C Annealing of 1× 1020 Al+ Ion Implanted 3C-SiC
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 963 Pages: 420-423
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 924 Pages: 385-388
Double Step Annealing for the Recovering of Ion Implantation Defectiveness in 4H-SiC DIMOSFET
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 924 Pages: 357-360
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications], Volume: 924 Pages: 385-388
Electrical and Optical Characterisation of Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in SiC
Solid State Phenomena [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 205 Pages: 480-485
Optoelectronic characterization of SiC with embedded Si nanocrystals as solar cell absorber material
2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) [IEEE], Pages: 0296-0299
Optoelectronic characterization of SiC with embedded Si nanocrystals as solar cell absorber material
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2013 IEEE 39th [IEEE], Pages: 0296-0299
27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition [27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition], Pages: 35-40
27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition [27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition], Pages: 35-40
26th European Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy [26th European International Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy], Pages: 22-27
Materials science forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 556 Pages: 571-574
Correlation between Current Transport and Defects in n+/p 6H-SiC Diodes
Materials science forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 527 Pages: 811-814
Current analysis of ion implanted p+/n 4H-SiC junctions: post-implantation annealing in Ar ambient
Materials science forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 527 Pages: 815-818
Current analysis of ion implanted p+/n 4H-SiC junctions: post-implantation annealing in Ar ambient
International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2005 [], Volume: 527 Pages: 815-818
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 483 Pages: 649-652
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 483 Pages: 737-740
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 483 Pages: 625-628
High-Bandgap Silicon Nanocrystal Solar Cells: Device Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling
High-Efficiency Solar Cells [Springer, Cham], Pages: 165-194
Low-thermal budget Si nanocrystals in SiC
SPRING 13 D: Advanced inorganic materials and structures for photovoltaics [], Pages: 100-100
Electrical properties of silicon nanodots/Si rich carbide systems for photovoltaic applications
27 International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Book of Abstracts [], Pages: 273-273
Doping of the Silicon Nanodots/Silicon Rich Carbide System
27th EU PVSEC [], Pages: 5-5
International School of Solid State Physics [], Pages: 20-21
Multi-Crystalline Silicon Based Heterojunction Solar Cells
Preparation of Ni2Si contacts: effect on SiC diode operation
J Mater Sci: Mater Electr. [Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC 2008], Volume: 19 Pages: 24-28
Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, 2008
Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference [DRIP], Pages: 2DV1-30-2DV1-30